Useful Tips

Where is Dexcom located in the United States?

Where is Dexcom located in the United States?

Dexcom, headquartered in San Diego, is dedicated to helping people better manage their diabetes by developing and marketing continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) products and tools for adult and pediatric patients.

How does Dexcom CGM work in the real world?

Proven. Dexcom CGM use is clinically proven to lower A1C, reduce hyper- and hypoglycemia, and increase time in range. 1,2 Protective. A suite of alerts and a fixed Urgent Low alarm can help warn patients of high or low glucose levels.

Where can I buy Dexcom continuous glucose monitor?

The user should follow instructions on the continuous glucose monitoring system. Simply e-prescribe all patients to Dexcom Start through ASPN Pharmacies (NPI 1538590690).

How old do you have to be to use Dexcom G6?

Dexcom G6 is available for use on three different parts of the body, giving users more flexibility. This location is available for use by children ages 2-17 years old. This location is easy to reach and may be an ideal option for people who are active. It is available for ages 2 years and older.

What kind of software does Dexcom clarity use?

The Dexcom CLARITY web-based software platform simplifies diabetes data reporting and management for patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals–providing relevant glucose insights in minutes. * Interested in getting the Dexcom G6 CGM System?

How does the Dexcom glucose monitoring system work?

The user should follow instructions on the continuous glucose monitoring system. Connect your Dexcom receiver to upload and view glucose data in the way that works best for you. Then, with a few clicks, you can save, print or email your data reports.

How to get in touch with Dexcom provider?

If you are a healthcare provider and want to learn more about Dexcom, please fill out the form and a representative will contact you. If you are a Dexcom User or Patient, please contact Dexcom here.