How do you brand the high overseer in Dishonored?

How do you brand the high overseer in Dishonored?

To brand the High Overseer as a heretic, Corvo cannot poison him. He must find the Heretic’s Brand, spill the drinks in the Meeting Room and then follow Campbell and Curnow down to the Overseer’s hidden chamber in the basement.

Where is the heretics brand?

The Heretic’s Brand is an instrument used for branding heretics. It can be found on the desk on the upper level of the Interrogation Chamber on the upper floor of the Office of the High Overseer.

How do you spare Curnow?

To save him, the simplest way is to take his unconscious body and follow the objective marker to a dumpster and leave him there. Or, you could simply let Curnow kill Campbell for you. That way, he has no trouble escaping by himself, and it saves all the time and trouble of branding Campbell (for a non-lethal) solution.

What is heretic brand?

The Heretic’s Brand refers to both a dire punishment leveled on an Overseer, and the tool used to administer said punishment. The brand is a punishment only applicable to members of the Abbey, including the High Overseer himself.

How do you get a nonlethal High Overseer Campbell?

Non-Lethal Alternative The Heretic’s Brand itself can be found in the interrogation room, as well. For Campbell to be branded, he must be knocked unconscious and placed in the chair in the interrogation room. Corvo can then retrieve the brand from a desk in the room, if he has not already, to complete the elimination.

How do you knock out Overseer Campbell?

Access to the room is blocked by a locked door, so you need to use the interrogation room key that can be stolen from guards patrolling the nearby corridors. Collect Heretic’s Brand, and return to the Overseer with it. Use the tool on Campbell, to excommunicate him and keep him alive at the same time.

Why do overseers wear masks?

Overseers are highly durable. Thanks to the metallic masks they wear, they are also immune to frontal headshots, though if they are shot there, they will be momentarily stunned and their current action disrupted.