What is super pavement?

What is super pavement?

The Superpave (SUperior PERforming Asphalt PAVEments) system was developed to give highway engineers and contractors the tools they need to design asphalt pavements that will perform better under extremes of temperature and heavy traffic loads.

What is Type S 3 asphalt?

Type S-III – Limited to the final (top) structural layer, one layer only. Type S-I – May not be used in the first layer of courses over 3 1/2 inches [90 mm] thick, nor in the first layer of courses over 2 3/4 inches [70 mm] thick on limited access facilities.

What is SP asphalt?

Superpave mix design specifies aggregate gradation control points, through which aggregate gradations must pass. These control points are very general and are a starting point for a job mix formula. It is rare to obtain a desired aggregate gradation from a single aggregate stockpile.

What does the SP mean in asphalt?

Superpave mixes
Superpave mixes are identified as Type SP-9.5, Type SP-12.5 or Type SP-19.0. Obtain Superpave Asphalt Concrete from a plant that is currently on the Department’s Production Facility Listing.

Why is VMA important in asphalt?

VMA (Voids in Mineral Aggregate ) – Adequate VMA is needed to ensure that adequate amount of asphalt could be added to the mixture without overfilling the voids and resulting in asphalt bleeding.

What is asphalt content?

The asphalt content is calculated as the difference between the initial mass of the asphalt paving mixture and the mass of the residual aggregate, and the calibration factor. The asphalt content is expressed as mass percent.

What is D mix asphalt?

Class D. An open-graded HMA. Typically, Class D mixes are placed as 0.70 inch thick wearing courses (essentially, an Open Graded Friction Course for surface applications). Proper maintenance requires a fog seal about every 5 years.

What is state mix asphalt?

A mixture of asphalt binder and. graded mineral aggregate, mixed at. an elevated temperature and. compacted to form a relatively dense. pavement layer.

What is the compressive strength of asphalt?

Most pavement PCC has a compressive strength between 20.68 and 34.47 MPa (3000 and 5000 psi) (ACPA, 2001). High-strength PCC (usually defined as PCC with a compressive strength of at least 41.37 MPa (6000 psi)) has been designed for compressive strengths of over 137.90 MPa (20,000 psi) for use in building applications.

How do you measure asphalt?

How to Calculate Asphalt Tonnage

  1. Use a tape measure to determine distances.
  2. Convert the length, width and height measurements to feet by dividing by 12, since each foot contains 12 inches.
  3. Multiply the length times the width times the depth to obtain the volume in cubic feet of the space to be paved.

What is VMA in asphalt mix design?

Voids in the mineral aggregate (VMA) are the air-void spaces that exist between the aggregate particles in a compacted paving mixture, including spaces filled with asphalt. VMA represents the space that is available to accommodate the asphalt and the volume of air voids necessary in the mixture.

What is VMA sand?

VMA Sand. An extremely fine, clean sand. Mainly used in asphalt production.

What are the properties of asphalt?

Technical Properties of Asphalt

  • Waterproof Property. Asphalt is a water-repellent material with a lightweight structure that does not dissolve in water.
  • Viscosity.
  • Plasticity.
  • Temperature Sensitivity.
  • The Stability of Asphalt in the Atmosphere.