What is the biography of Professor Wole Soyinka?

What is the biography of Professor Wole Soyinka?

Wole Soyinka was born on 13 July 1934 at Abeokuta, near Ibadan in western Nigeria. After preparatory university studies in 1954 at Government College in Ibadan, he continued at the University of Leeds, where, later, in 1973, he took his doctorate.

What are the famous quotes of Wole Soyinka com?

Wole Soyinka Quotes

  • “Be yourself.
  • “A tiger does not proclaim his tigritude, he pounces.”
  • “The greatest threat to freedom is the absence of criticism.”
  • “We live in a materialist world, and materialism appeals so strongly to humanity, no matter where.”

What is the literary text of Wole Soyinka?

Soyinka’s principal critical work is Myth, Literature, and the African World (1976), a collection of essays in which he examines the role of the artist in the light of Yoruba mythology and symbolism. Art, Dialogue, and Outrage (1988) is a work on similar themes of art, culture, and society.

Which out of the following is the autobiography of Wole Soyinka?

In 1981 Soyinka published his autobiographical work Aké: The Years of Childhood, which won a 1983 Anisfield-Wolf Book Award.

What is the theme of the poem poetry by Wole Soyinka?

Central Theme In this poem, ‘Telephone Conversation’, Wole Soyinka exposes the prevalence of racial discrimination in society regardless of the stringent laws against it. He brings to light how it is practiced covertly by many white people. He highlights the hypocritical nature of these people in the poem.

What is Wole Soyinka famous for?

Wole Soyinka is best known as a playwright. Alongside his literary career, he has also worked as an actor and in theaters in Nigeria and Great Britain. His works also include poetry, novels, and essays.

What are the themes of Wole Soyinka?

Themes in Wole Soyinka’s THE LION AND THE JEWEL

  • Theme of Male Chauvinism. This is a belief in the innate superiority of men over women.
  • Theme of Marriage and Love. Sidi is the centre of attraction in the play.
  • Deceit. The theme of deceit manifests through Baroka.
  • Modernity versus Tradition.
  • Virility and Cowardice.

What are the main theme developed in The Lion and the Jewel by Wole Soyinka?

Some of the themes in Wole Soyinka’s The Lion and the Jewel include male chauvinism, marriage and love, deceit, modernity versus tradition, and, virility and cowardice.

Why the play is called The Lion and the Jewel?

The title of the play the lion and the jewel, The title is symbolic because lion means the good animal hunting other animals. In this play Baroka stand as the lion as he is hunting for Sidi and jewel means precious mental like diamond jewel is used to symbolize a beautiful girl called Sidi who is the virgin.

What is the biography of Wole Soyinka?

Wole Soyinka. Biographical. Wole Soyinka was born on 13 July 1934 at Abeokuta, near Ibadan in western Nigeria. After preparatory university studies in 1954 at Government College in Ibadan, he continued at the University of Leeds, where, later, in 1973, he took his doctorate.

What are some of the poems of Soyinka?

Soyinka’s poems, which show a close connection to his plays, are collected in Idanre, and Other Poems (1967), Poems from Prison (1969), A Shuttle in the Crypt (1972) the long poem Ogun Abibiman (1976) and Mandela’s Earth and Other Poems (1988). From Les Prix Nobel. The Nobel Prizes 1986, Editor Wilhelm Odelberg, [Nobel Foundation], Stockholm, 1987

What is the first book Wati Soyinka wrote?

He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English literature in 1958. (In 1972 the university awarded him an honorary doctorate). In the late 1950s Soyinka wrote his first important play, A Dance of the Forests, which satirized the Nigerian political elite.

What did Soyinka do in the 1960s?

From 1958 to 1959, Soyinka was a dramaturgist at the Royal Court Theatre in London. In 1960, he was awarded a Rockefeller fellowship and returned to Nigeria to study African drama. In 1960, he founded the theater group, The 1960 Masks, and in 1964, the Orisun Theatre Company, in which he produced his own plays and performed as an actor.