What is a ADP in a fraternity?

What is a ADP in a fraternity?

The membership educator, short for Dean Of Pledges, is an old term that the groups still use. ADOP/ADP would be the assistant dean.

What is DP and ADP?

DOP/DP: the membership educator in a NPHC or Multicultural organization. Short for Dean of Pledges an old term that the groups still use. ADOP/ADP would be the assistant dean. Drop: the term used to refer to someone who de-pledged, or stopped pledging. Financial: term used to refer to an active member.

What is an ace in Greek life?

Ace: The first person in a new member line of an NPHC organization. Active: An initiated member of a fraternity or sorority. A member in good standing. Alumna/Alumnus: An initiated member who has graduated. Female and male, respectively. Singular.

Why are frats called Greek life?

They wanted their club to come across as more serious and intellectual to others, and they believed that naming it with Greek and Latin letters would convey their intelligence well. Greek communities operate to bring intellectual as well as social benefits to their members.

What is a swap in Greek life?

A swap is a sober get together of one fraternity with another sorority in order to get to know the members in a different environment than they normally would. Each swap occurs once a month in every sorority and fraternity. Sorority and Fraternity council create a randomized list of pairs for each swap.

What is a PNM sorority?

Potential/Prospective New Member (PNM) – a non-member who is eligible to participate in the recruitment process. Quota – the number each National Panhellenic Conference sorority may pledge on campus during formal recruitment.

What is a deuce in sorority?

1. A new member of the sorority that is taken care of by an older member. 2. My daughter is Nikki Cruz. Deuce [ˈdüs] noun.

What does DP mean in sorority?

For Parents

Term Definition
Diversified Greek Council (DGC)
DOP/DP Short for Dean Of Pledges an old term that groups still use to refer to the membership educator. ADOP/ADP would be the assistant dean.

Are frats actually Greek?

“Greek life” is a term for different exclusive societies–fraternities for men, sororities for women– that have an association with the university or college they are founded at. Some fraternities and sororities have chapters across different campuses.

What is a frat initiation called?

Ritual: The traditional, secret initiation ceremonies of a fraternity or sorority.

What is the origin of the word prospective?

Word Origin and History for prospective. adj. 1580s, from obsolete French prospectif and directly from Medieval Latin prospectivus “affording a prospect; pertaining to a prospect,” from Latin prospect-, past participle stem of prospicere (see prospect (n.)). In 17c. also as a noun, “spy glass, telescope.”.

What is the adjective for prospect?

1. of or in the future. 2. potential, likely, or expected. [1580–90; < Late Latin prōspectīvus. See prospectus, -ive] Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc.

What is the meaning of prospective earnings?

of or in the future: prospective earnings. potential, likely, or expected: a prospective partner.

What is the difference between prospective and retrospective?

prospective – of or concerned with or related to the future; “prospective earnings”; “a prospective mother”; “a prospective bride”; “the statute is solely prospective in operation”. future – yet to be or coming; “some future historian will evaluate him”. retrospective – concerned with or related to the past; “retrospective self-justification”.
