What is the unit of antenna factor?

What is the unit of antenna factor?

In electromagnetics, the antenna factor (units: m−1, reciprocal meter) is defined as the ratio of the electric field E (units: V/m or μV/m) to the voltage V (units: V or μV) induced across the terminals of an antenna.

What is magnetic field in antenna?

This antenna is called the magnetic field or magnetic loop antenna. The magnetic loop antenna measures the magnetic field (H-field) emanating from the EUT. Measurement of the H-field is often specified when RE testing below the normal 30 MHz lower frequency point is required by the product standard.

What is E and H-field in antenna?

Electromagnetic waves are made up of Electric Fields (often called the E-field) and Magnetic fields (also known as H-fields). What is an H-field? The H-field is a vector quantity (has a magnitude and direction) and is measured in Amps/Meter [A/m]. Recall that the E-field points away from a positive point charge.

What is H in Maxwell equations?

The quantities E and H are the electric and magnetic field intensities and are measured in units of [volt/m] and [ampere/m], respectively. The quantities D and B are the electric and magnetic flux densities and are in units of [coulomb/m2] and [weber/m2], or [tesla].

How is antenna sensitivity calculated?

To calculate receiver sensitivity, we add the overall noise figure of the receiver to the noise floor. This quantifies the noise floor at the input to the demodulator. The signal must be higher than the noise floor by the carrier to noise ratio required for a desired signal quality.

How do you find the E-plane and H-plane of an antenna?

The magnetizing field or “H” plane lies at a right angle to the “E” plane. For a vertically polarized antenna, the H-plane usually coincides with the horizontal/azimuth plane. For a horizontally polarized antenna, the H-plane usually coincides with the vertical/elevation plane.

Can you add dBi and dBm?

Well, you can’t. You can’t add dBm to dBm. If, for example, you have a circuit or a device that combines the power of one signal of 10 dBm (10 mW) with the power of another signal of 13 dBm (20 mW), the result is 10 mW + 20 mW = 30 mW which is 14.8 dBm.