What is my Chinese zodiac if I was born in 2011?

What is my Chinese zodiac if I was born in 2011?

People born in the Year of the Rabbit were born in 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, or 2023.

What animal are you if your born in 2011?

Chinese Lunar New Year – Calendar and Zodiac Animals

If you were born on or between these dates you are: Zodiac Animal and Characteristic
2012 January 23 2013 February 9 Dragon
2011 February 3 2012 January 22 Rabbit
2010 February 14 2011 February 2 Tiger
2009 January 26 2010 February 13 Ox

What type of Rabbit is 2011?

Metal Rabbit
Years and elements

Start date End date Heavenly branch
11 February 1975 30 January 1976 Wood Rabbit
29 January 1987 16 February 1988 Fire Rabbit
16 February 1999 4 February 2000 Earth Rabbit
3 February 2011 22 January 2012 Metal Rabbit

Is 2011 a golden Rabbit?

According to the Chinese Zodiac, the Year of 2011 is the Year of the Golden Rabbit, which began on February 3. According to the Chinese Zodiac, the Year of 2011 is the Year of the Golden Rabbit, which began on February 3. The Rabbit is the fourth sign of the Chinese Zodiac, which consists of 12 animals signs.

What Japanese zodiac is 2011?

Japanese Zodiac dates or Japanese zodiac years This means that if the year 2008 is the year of the rat, 2009 is ox, 2010 is a tiger, 2011 is a rabbit, 2012 is a dragon, 2013 is a snake, 2014 is a horse, 2015 is sheep, 2016 is a monkey, 2017 is a rooster, 2018 is a dog, and 2019 would be a pig.

What is a Dragon child?

DRAGONS have long been revered in Chinese culture. As a result, children born in the dragon years (or “dragon children”) of the zodiac calendar are thought to be destined for success in later life. A recent working paper by Naci Mocan and Han Yu, two economists at Louisiana State University, probes this superstition.

What is Rabbit personality?

Rabbits can be silly, timid, shy, curious, and high spirited regardless of sex or breed type. They show affection in characteristic ways; choosing to sit near you, climbing on your back or nibbling at your socks. Some will even lick your hands or face.