Common questions

How old is Gorton Monastery?


How old is Gorton Monastery?

149c. 1872
The Monastery Manchester/Age

Who owns Gorton Monastery?

In 1996 it was transferred to the Monastery of St Francis and Gorton Trust who have overseen a 6.5 million redevelopment to turn it into a used and loved community and events building.

What denomination is Gorton Monastery?

Gorton Monastery

Church and Friary of St Francis
Affiliation Catholic (Franciscan)
Ecclesiastical or organizational status Friary
Status Secular events venue

Who designed Gorton Monastery?

E. W. Pugin
The Monastery Manchester/Architects

What religion uses a monastery?

The term monastery is used generically to refer to any of a number of types of religious community. In the Roman Catholic religion and to some extent in certain branches of Buddhism, there is a somewhat more specific definition of the term and many related terms.

Who established the first monastery?

A former Roman soldier of the 4th century, Pachomius, created the first cenobitic, or communal, monastery.

Where do the monks live?

The monks live in monasteries, and have an important function in traditional Asian society.

How big is a monastery?

Architecture. The breadth of monastic communities varied enormously in function, wealth and prestige: some were very small, others (though few) could also accommodate 900 monks. On average, however, they accommodated between 10 to 50, because the abbot had to know, follow and guide each of his monks.

Are there any monasteries in England?

Monasteries can still be found in most parts of the UK, from Cornwall to northern Scotland. They are run by several holy orders, with the Benedictines alone estimated to have around 600 monks and 300 nuns in the UK.

What religion is a monk?

(in Christianity) a man who has withdrawn from the world for religious reasons, especially as a member of an order of cenobites living according to a particular rule and under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. (in any religion) a man who is a member of a monastic order: a Buddhist monk. Printing.