What does it mean to encroach on someone?

What does it mean to encroach on someone?

1 : to take over the rights or property of another little by little or in secret The prince encroached on the king’s authority. 2 : to go beyond the usual or proper limits Cities have encroached upon wildlife habitats. encroach. intransitive verb. en·​croach | \ in-ˈkrōch \

What is encroach upon?

1. encroach upon – to intrude upon, infringe, encroach on, violate; “This new colleague invades my territory”; “The neighbors intrude on your privacy” intrude on, obtrude upon, invade. come in, enter, get in, go in, go into, move into, get into – to come or go into; “the boat entered an area of shallow marshes”

What is an example of encroach?

Encroach definition To encroach is defined as to move into or invade someone else’s space or territory. An example of encroach is when an army moves into another country’s space little by little. To trespass or intrude (on or upon the rights, property, etc.

Is encroachment a negative word?

Encroachment typically has a slightly a negative meaning, hinting at something that intrudes on something and then spoils it in some way.

Is it encroaching or encroaching on?

​[intransitive] encroach (on/upon something) (disapproving) to begin to affect or use up too much of somebody’s time, rights, personal life, etc. I won’t encroach on your time any longer. He never allows work to encroach upon his family life.

How do you use encroached?

Encroached sentence example

  1. In modern times state activity has encroached on the cities.
  2. Since that time the whites have steadily encroached on the reservations.
  3. The sea encroached far on the land from the Great Australian Bight and there formed the limestones of the Nullarbor Plains.

Why do people encroach?

The socio-economic causes of encroachment and its pattern have been analysed. Limited land and unemployment have been identified as the major causes of encroachment and, if no measures are adopted within the next four decades, all the forests may be encroached upon.

What is the synonym for encroach?

Some common synonyms of encroach are infringe, invade, and trespass. While all these words mean “to make inroads upon the property, territory, or rights of another,” encroach suggests gradual or stealthy entrance upon another’s territory or usurpation of another’s rights or possessions.

What is a good sentence for encroach?

Encroach sentence example. The marshes encroach most upon the parishes of St Charles, Orleans and Plaquemines. He took in everything, noting the enemies had begun to encroach upon the neutral territory agreed upon in the cease-fire.

What is encroachment risk?

In real estate, encroachment is defined as trespassing or infringing on other’s property without seeking their permission. While encroachment can risk your asset, there are ways to handle it.

What is synonym of encroach?