Should I use article tag?

Should I use article tag?

The tag specifies independent, self-contained content. An article should make sense on its own and it should be possible to distribute it independently from the rest of the site.

How do I create an article page in HTML?

HTML and CSS – Create Simple Articles

  1. Step 1: Create an HTML File and Add Title Tag. Let’s start off by defining our HTML document structure.
  2. Step 2: Add Article Tag.
  3. Step 3: Add Meta Information.
  4. Step 4: Add Image.
  5. Step 5: Style Font and Size.
  6. Step 6: Set Margin and Width.
  7. Step 7: Set Float Property.
  8. Step 8: Edit Image.

How do I anchor a section in HTML?

How to Link to a Specific Part of a Page

  1. Give the object or text you’d like to link to a name.
  2. Take the name you’ve chosen and insert it into an opening HTML anchor link tag.
  3. Place that complete opening tag from above before the text or object you want to link to, and add a closing tag after.

How do you link contents to a page in HTML?

Linking Documents A link is specified using HTML tag . This tag is called anchor tag and anything between the opening tag and the closing tag becomes part of the link and a user can click that part to reach to the linked document. Following is the simple syntax to use tag.

Is article same as div?

Maybe the relevant element you are looking for is actually the element as you are defining different sections related to the same page instead of separate articles on different topics. — the generic flow container we all know and love. It’s a block-level element with no additional semantic meaning.

How do you write an article in HTML?

Should I use div or article?

If the content within the element is not semantically related, then use a . If the semantically related content is also able to be self-contained, then use an . Otherwise, use a .

Which tag is used to write a blog in HTML5?

HTML 5 has an article element which I use to wrap each story: The article element represents a section of a page that consists of a composition that forms an independent part of a document, page, or site.

How do you link paragraphs in HTML?

Chapter Summary

  1. Use the element to define a link.
  2. Use the href attribute to define the link address.
  3. Use the target attribute to define where to open the linked document.
  4. Use the element (inside ) to use an image as a link.

Should I use article or section?

Articles are mostly but not compulsorily used in Constitution whereas Sections are being used in Acts. For example, Indian Contract Act, 1872 is divided into 266 Sections and each Section defining different topic. Article is independent, that is, it is mostly self-explanatory.

Can you put a div in an article?

Article would generally be wrapped in a in HTML4, and the subsections would only be suggested by – elements.