How do I chroot a user to a directory?

How do I chroot a user to a directory?

Restrict SSH User Access to Certain Directory Using Chrooted Jail

  1. Step 1: Create SSH Chroot Jail.
  2. Step 2: Setup Interactive Shell for SSH Chroot Jail.
  3. Step 3: Create and Configure SSH User.
  4. Step 4: Configure SSH to Use Chroot Jail.
  5. Step 5: Testing SSH with Chroot Jail.
  6. Create SSH User’s Home Directory and Add Linux Commands.

How do I restrict a user to my home directory in Linux?

  1. Login as the root user. Type any one of the following command:
  2. Create the chroot jail. I’m going to set /home/jails/ directory to restrict an ssh user session to this directory:
  3. Set permissions.
  4. Install bash shell in $D.
  5. Add user to the the system.
  6. Configure sshd.
  7. Restart sshd service.
  8. Test it.

How do I assign a user to the home directory in Linux?

In Linux, a user’s default home directory is /home. To create a default home directory use mkhomedir_helper command. Make sure to run mkhomedir_helper command as root or user with sudo access. The previous command creates a home directory named “/home/bob” and user settings files.

What is chroot jail?

Chroot jail is used to create a limited sandbox for a process to run in. This means a process cannot maliciously change data outside the prescribed directory tree. Another use for chroot jails is as a substitute for virtual machines.

What is jail user?

A jail is a directory tree that you create within your file system; the user cannot see any directories or files that are outside the jail directory. The user is jailed in that directory and it subdirectories.

How do I restrict SFTP users home directory in Linux?

  1. Step 1: Install sftp on Linux.
  2. Step 2: Create SFTP User.
  3. Step 3: Create SFTP Group (Optional)
  4. Step 4: Configure SFTP chroot jail.
  5. Step 5: SFTP restrict user to specific directory (with password authentication)
  6. Step 6: Setup passwordless sftp authorized_keys.
  7. Step 7: Setup SSH client for passwordless sftp.

How do I restrict access to FTP in Linux?

Linux FTP allowing only certain users

  1. Edit the /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf file (using CentOS 6)
  2. Create a /etc/vsftpd/user_list file and add the user(s) that need FTP access.
  3. Create a /etc/vsftpd/chroot_list file and add the users that are not allowed to CD out of their home directory.
  4. Restart vsftpd (service vsftpd restart)

Where is home directory Ubuntu?

In Ubuntu (and other linuxes), your ‘home’ folder (generally know as $HOME ) exists at the path /home// , and will, by default, contain a collection of folders, including one called Public. If you open the file manager at $HOME , then it will open in this folder.