How much does Hartford cost per year?

How much does Hartford cost per year?

Annual Prices The annual list price to attend University of Hartford on a full time basis for 2020/2021 is $61,022 for all students regardless of their residency. This fee is comprised of $40,490 for tuition, $13,200 room and board, $1,128 for books and supplies and $3,070 for other fees.

How much is University of Hartford per semester?

Estimated Undergraduate Billing Cost (Direct Costs) for 2022-23

Description Semester Budget
DescriptionTuition Semester Budget$21,426
DescriptionFees Semester Budget$1,648
DescriptionRoom Semester Budget$4,045
DescriptionBoard Semester Budget$2,711

Is Hartford University Expensive?

On this page you will find a breakout of the tuition rates for full-time, part-time, and summerterm undergraduate students for 2022–2023 Academic Year….Tuition Estimates (12–18 Credits)

Cost Per Term Per Year
CostAll Schools and Colleges Per Term$21,425 Per Year$42,850

How much is tuition and room and board at the University of Hartford?

2022 Tuition, Fees, and Living Costs Analysis

Year Tuition & Fees On Campus Room & Board, Other Expenses
2020-2021 $43,560 $16,334
2021-2022 $44,885 $16,527
Change % 2021-2022 3.04% 1.18%
2022-2023 $46,250 $16,722

How much is Yale tuition a year?

Yale College Cost of Attendance 2020–2021

Costs Billed by Yale In Residence Full Year In Residence 1 Term, Enrolled Remotely 1 Term
Tuition $57,700 $57,700
Student Activity Fee $50 $50
Housing $9,750 $4,875
Meals $7,450 $3,725