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What is a 475 Field Communicator?


What is a 475 Field Communicator?

The 475 Field Communicator is designed to simplify your work in the field. It includes a larger touch screen than PDAs or Pocket PCs, supports HART versions 5, 6, and 7 (including WirelessHART) devices, and allows you to upgrade your 475 Field Communicator onsite using the Internet.

How do I connect my HART 475 to my computer?

Connect a Card Reader to the USB port of the PC. Insert the 375/475 System Card. On the Easy Upgrade Utility, select Connection Type “card reader” and select Connect. Enter the appropriate drive letter to locate the card reader.

What is the purpose of HART Communicator?

HART communicators provide the tool for communicating with process instruments. Relying on an open communications protocol, HART communicators interface with HART-enabled “master” and “field” devices making it much easier to configure and calibrate instruments as well as diagnose issues before they become serious.

What is DD files in HART?

Key to the HART Protocol’s ability to “get data out of the field device” is a data file called a Device Description (DD). This describes the features and functions of a device, such as the form and content of menus and graphic displays to be presented in host computers or handheld devices.

What is the use of HART Communicator?

What is the best HART Communicator?

Endress+Hauser SMT70
The Endress+Hauser SMT70 is probably the best HART Communicator in the market today. This is essentially a tablet PC that comes with pre-installed driver libraries. Its touch screen is easy to use and is a complete solution to manage field instruments throughout the entire life cycle.

What is the Emerson 475 field communicator used for?

The following instructions describe how to calibrate an ABM 2 wire Radar with HART using an Emerson 475 Field Communicator. The 475 Field Communicator used for this document contained system software version 3.7. In this document the Emerson 475 Field Communicator will be referred to as the “475 ommunicator”.

Is the 475 Hart Field communicator user upgradeable?

There are no user-serviceable components or safety elements inside. The 475 Field Communicator is user upgradeable via the Internet. Avoid the time delays of sending your communicator to a service center for upgrades.

How do I calibrate my Emerson 475 radar?

The 475 Communicator provides multiple screens and menus for calibrating the Radar. The Radar range can be calibrated from the homescreen using menu items “4 PV LRV” and ”5 PV URV” or by entering “1 Device setup“. Changing the range from the homescreen is quick but has limited options.

How to connect ABM radar to 475 communicator?

Load Resistor 250 Ohms Figure 1 shows how to connect power to the ABM Radar. 5 1-2 Power on the 475 Communicator by pressing and holding the power key until the green light on the power key blinks. 1-3 From the main menu tap the HARTicon. The HARTicon can be seen in the upper left corner of Figure 2.