
What was the median household income in 1999?

What was the median household income in 1999?

Median household income in 1999 was $42,000, up 7.7 per- cent from 1989 in real terms (after adjusting for 29.8 percent infla- tion over the period). 1 Median income divides households into two equal groups, half hav- ing incomes above the median, the other half having incomes below.

What was the average salary in 1999?

Average and Median Amounts of Net Compensation

Year Amount Annual
1998 27,686.75 4.815%
1999 29,229.69 4.933%
2000 30,846.09 4.252%
2001 31,581.97 3.866%

What is the average household income for the US?

Average Household Income in the United States as of 2021 In 2018, the US Census Bureau reported that 2017’s “real” average household income stood at $61,372. This figure represented a 1.8% increase from 2016, when it stood at $60,309. This was the second consecutive year this figure increased nationwide.

What state has the lowest household income?

These states have the lowest median incomes.

  1. Mississippi. Median household income: $45,792 (2019)18. Population: 2.97 million (2020)19.
  2. West Virginia. Median household income: $48,850 (2019)18. Population: 1.78 million (2020)19.
  3. Arkansas. Median household income: $48,952 (2019)18. Population: 3.03 million (2020)19.

Where was the median household income in 1999?

Miami, Florida had the lowest 1999 median household income ($23,500) among places with 100,000 or more population. Five of the ten places with the lowest median household income were in the Northeast—Buffalo, New York; Hartford, Connecticut; Syracuse, New York; Providence, Rhode Island; and Newark, New Jersey.

What’s the average household income in the state of Washington?

State Median Household Income Washington $73,775 Colorado $72,331 Utah $71,621 Minnesota $71,306

What is the median income in each state?

A state’s median income is exactly halfway between what people earn on both sides of the wealth spectrum. That makes median income a much more accurate assessment of what the average American is making annually than the actual average income.

What’s the median household income in the state of Louisiana?

State Median Household Income Louisiana $49,469 Arkansas $47,597 West Virginia $46,711 Mississippi $45,081