Common questions

Is it correct to say thanks for understanding?


Is it correct to say thanks for understanding?

Thank you for your understanding or Thank you for your comprehension? Thank you for your understanding is the correct phrase. It means that you are thanking the person, or persons involved for showing sympathy towards your issue.

How do you thank someone for their understanding?

Better Ways to Say, “Thank You for Understanding”

  1. Thanks for your comprehension.
  2. I appreciate your flexibility.
  3. I appreciate you sticking with me.
  4. Thanks for listening.
  5. Thanks for your compassion.
  6. I’m thankful for your support and understanding.
  7. I appreciate your dedication to digging into this issue.

What is the meaning of thank you for your understanding?

Thank you for your understanding: I appreciate your comprehension. idiom. to understand: to comprehend; to empathize, to sympathize.

When to write thank you for your understanding?

Thank you for your understanding We use this sentence to say “Thank you” in advance if we have done something or requested something that may cause inconvenience to the reader.

Is Thank you for understanding formal?

Thank you for understanding vs Thanks for your understanding Both of these phrases mean the same thing; “Thanks for your understanding” sounds slightly more formal.

Is Thank you for your understanding formal?

Can you end an email with thank you for your understanding?

In this case, it would be completely natural to end your request with “Thank you for your understanding.” Basically, you are saying “I realize that my request might be inconveniencing for you, but I am sure that you “understand” my reasons for it and will gladly comply accordingly.”

How do you say thank you for resolving an issue?

Thank you so much for your last minute assistance resolving the issue with my client, Beautiful Escapes Hotels, last week. You sacrificed your personal time to help, and I just want you to know how grateful I am for your ideas, support and expertise.

How do you thank someone for trusting you?

“Thank you for putting your trust in me” is a very formal way to thank someone for trusting you.

How to say ” thanks for your understanding ” in English?

Many thanks for your understanding. Thanks for your understanding and thanks for being a part of Jumpcut. Thanks for your understanding and thanks for being a part of Yahoo! “Thanks for your understanding” GRRRR no i dont understand you. Show more… “Thank you for your understanding”. Thank you for your understanding COYI”.

What does ” thank you for your comprehension ” mean?

Comprehension is an act or action of grasping with intellect. Understanding is sympathetic comprehension, so understanding can be both an intellectual and emotional response. “Thank you for your comprehension” I interpreted as “You need the ring the bell if you want to get in.”.

Is there an alternative to thank you for your understanding?

Having investigated different meanings of the phrase “thank you for your understanding,” we can look at alternative ways of conveying each meaning. We will also take into account the formality of each alternative phrase, which should give us a good idea of when it might be appropriate to use it.

How to say thank you for your understanding in French?

Translation of “thank you for your understanding” in French. merci de votre compréhension. merci pour votre compréhension. merci de comprendre. Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension. Other translations. The book is out of print, thank you for your understanding.