How do I contact the military?

How do I contact the military?

MyVA411 main information line: 1-800-698-2411. VA benefits hotline: 1-800-827-1000. GI Bill Hotline: 1-888-442-4551.

Can you quit the Army reserves?

According to the U.S. Army website, an army reserve commitment can range from three to eight years, depending on the job. It is best to wait until the commitment ends to quit so that future benefits are unaffected. Reservists can quit earlier if they present an acceptable justification for leaving.

What is the shortest Army contract?

Two Years
The Short Answer: Two Years With a Catch Two years is the shortest amount of time a new enlistee can sign up for active duty, however, there is a catch. You actually have an eight-year commitment but you can perform this commitment as an active duty member, a Reservist, or Individual Ready Reservist (IRR).

Can Soldiers do video calls?

With video conferencing technology, military personnel can connect with family members back home in real time. For example, a Navy petty officer can join his wife and share his baby’s first moments. An Army private can watch her daughter’s graduation.

Can you facetime in the military?

When smartphones really took off, iPhone users were able to use Facetime to continue their video chats during deployments. Only requiring a Wi-Fi connection, Facetime was very popular with service members who stayed near well-developed areas and were able to get solid wireless internet.

How much do Army reserves make a month?

Army Reserve E1 with >2 Years Of Time In Grade/Time In Service: $3,639.51 (the Army official site points out that an E-1 will earn less in the first four months of military service than in successive months) The same Army Reservist with four years or more of time in grade/time in service earns $3,639.51.

Can I miss a drill weekend?

You can’t miss a drill weekend during probation. You must acknowledge that you understand you will not be promoted during this probationary period. You must also acknowledge that if you fail to complete the required active duty training, you may be separated from the Reserves.