Which Indian colleges accept GMAT score in India?

Which Indian colleges accept GMAT score in India?

Business schools accepting GMAT scores in India?

  • IIM Ahmedabad (PGPX)
  • IIM Bangalore (EPGP)
  • IIM Calcutta (PGPEx)
  • IIM Indore (EPGP)
  • IIM Kozhikode (EPGP)
  • IIM Lucknow (IPMX)
  • Indian School of Business Hyderabad/Mohali.
  • Institute of Management Technology (IMT) Ghaziabad.

What is a good GMAT score for Indians?

If your profile is of functional/business analyst then you have a better chance with medium score (680–700). 2. If you are in a regular Developer/Support/Quality Assurance type of profile then you have to score > 700.

How much do Indians score in GMAT?

The average GMAT score of students in India is 576, which is higher that both the US (532) and worldwide (550).

Is GMAT score accepted in India?

In India, the GMAT scores are accepted by B-schools mostly for their executive MBA programs or MBA programs for working professionals. It is not common to find an Indian B-school accepting GMAT scores for their regular MBA programs.

Is IIT accept GMAT score?

MBA from IITs can be sought after appearing in GMAT Entrance exam. Top colleges like IIT Bombay accepts GMAT score (650 Cut-off). Over 110 countries are sent the test reports and with around 650 exam centres present in 114 countries, MBA through GMAT is one of the most popular exams.

Does Iits accept GMAT score?

Top colleges like IIT Bombay accepts GMAT score (650 Cut-off). Over 110 countries are sent the test reports and with around 650 exam centres present in 114 countries, MBA through GMAT is one of the most popular exams.

Does IIM Indore accept GMAT?

Admission to PGDM executive program requires 2-5 years of full-time work experience depending upon the institute….Register now for latest MBA Exam & Admissions Updates.

Institute Exams Accepted Average GMAT score of the batch
IIM Indore – EPGP GMAT 650
IIM Lucknow – IPMX GMAT 670

Do IIMs take GMAT for MBA?

If you are an Indian MBA applicant, you can use your GMAT score to apply to MBA programmes in India as well as in foreign B-schools: One Year MBA in India at ISB, IIMs, XLRI, SPJIMR, Great Lakes.

Does any IIM accept GMAT?

Top MBA colleges in India accepting GMAT include IIMs, ISB, XLRI, SPJIMR and many other top B-schools. If you are an Indian MBA applicant, you can use your GMAT score to apply to MBA programmes in India as well as in foreign B-schools: One Year MBA in India at ISB, IIMs, XLRI, SPJIMR, Great Lakes.

Does IIM Ahmedabad accept GMAT score?

In terms of work experience, the IIMA PGPX 2019-20 batch average is 8.9 Years. IIMA PGPX Admission Process is through GMAT and GRE Score. The average GMAT score is 702 while average GRE score is 320 for the students admitted to One Year MBA at IIM Ahmedabad.

Does ISB Hyderabad accept GMAT score?

ISB only considers applications from candidates who submit a GMAT (or GRE) score. ISB’s flagship Postgraduate Program in Management (PGP) is delivered from both its Hyderabad and Mohali campuses.