Does Acinetobacter grow on MacConkey Agar?

Does Acinetobacter grow on MacConkey Agar?

Most strains of Acinetobacter, except some of the A. lwoffii strain, grow well on MacConkey agar (without salt). Although officially classified as not lactose-fermenting, they are often partially lactose-fermenting when grown on MacConkey agar.

How is Acinetobacter spread?

Acinetobacter is spread by contact with a person or environment that has the bacteria. In healthcare facilities, the bacteria can spread from workers’ hands or contaminated surfaces or healthcare items.

Is Acinetobacter Gram-negative rods?

INTRODUCTION Acinetobacter is a gram-negative coccobacillus that has emerged from an organism of questionable pathogenicity to an infectious agent of importance to hospitals worldwide [1].

How do you identify Acinetobacter?

Accurate identification of genus Acinetobacter can be performed using preliminary tests, viz., Gram stain, catalase, oxidase, and motility, which can be easily performed in any clinical laboratory. In-house PCR standardized in our study is specific and sensitive for the identification of Acinetobacter species.

What is the clinical significance of Acinetobacter?

The most clinically significant pathogen is Acinetobacter baumannii because of the rapidity with which it develops antimicrobial resistance (including strains resistant to all commercially available antibiotics) and the ability of some strains to survive on the surfaces of hospital facilities and equipment for weeks.

What is Acinetobacter bacteria?

Acinetobacter is a type of bacteria that is present in the environment and can live on human skin. If the bacteria enter the body, this can cause infections. Some types of Acinetobacter cause blood, lung, or urinary tract infections.

How to identify Acinetobacter baumannii species?

This method allowed identification of A. calcoaceticus–A. baumannii complex by the formation of smooth, rounded, mucoid colonies at 37 °C. Closely related species could not be differentiated and individual species such as A. baumannii and Acinetobacter genomic species 3 could not be positively identified phenotypically.

How many species are there in the genus Acinetobacter?

The genus Acinetobacter comprises 38 validly named species. Identification of Acinetobacter species is complicated by lack of standard identification techniques.

How do you identify Acinetobacter isolates?

Because routine identification in the clinical microbiology laboratory is not yet possible, Acinetobacter isolates are divided and grouped into three main complexes: Different species of bacteria in this genus can be identified using fluorescence-lactose-denitrification to find the amount of acid produced by metabolism of glucose.