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What is the future perfect tense formula?


What is the future perfect tense formula?

The formula for the future perfect tense is pretty simple: will have + [past participle]. It doesn’t matter if the subject of your sentence is singular or plural.

What is the Spanish future perfect?

The future perfect is formed by using the simple future tenses of haber followed by a past participle. The Spanish future perfect can be used in much the same way as the English future perfect, which takes the form of “will have + verb + participle.”

How do you conjugate future perfect in Spanish?

As with the other perfect tenses, the future perfect is formed by combining the auxiliary verb “haber” with the past participle. In this case, “haber” is conjugated in the future tense.

Where do we use future perfect?

We use the future perfect simple (will/won’t have + past participle) to talk about something that will be completed before a specific time in the future. The guests are coming at 8 p.m. I’ll have finished cooking by then.

What is the future tense of Leer?


inglés yo
Preterite I read leí
Past Perfect – Pluperfect I had read había leído
Future I will read leeré
Future Perfect I will have read habré leído

What is the future stem of salir?

Lesson Summary

Subject Pronoun Present Tense Future Tense
yo salgo saldré
sales saldrás
él, ella, usted sale saldrá
nosotros/nosotras salimos saldremos

What is the future perfect in Spanish?

The Spanish future perfect indicative (el futuro compuesto ) is used to talk about something that will have been completed at a certain point in the future. It can also indicate probability, or what might have or could have happened.

What is the past perfect subjunctive?

Quick Answer. The past perfect subjunctive, or pluperfect subjunctive (el pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo), is used to talk about hypothetical situations in the past, past conditionals, and past actions that preceded other past actions.

When to use the subjunctive tense in Spanish?

The subjunctive in Spanish is often used to indicate uncertainty and can also be used to be polite or phrase a command. Often, the subjunctive is triggered when the subject of the sentence is not the same subject that is qualifying the verb and there is a particular phrase or word that calls for the subjunctive.

How to use the subjunctive in Spanish?

After certain verbs you have to use a subjunctive in Spanish when there is a different subject in the two parts of the sentence.

  • as well as after certain conjunctions.
  • Structures with the subjunctive can often be avoided if the subject of both verbs is the same.