What are the five basic statements?

What are the five basic statements?

Key Basic Statements

  • REM Statement: The REM Statement is used in making comments or remarks.
  • INPUT Statement: The INPUT statement is a means for data statement.
  • READ-DATA Statements:
  • OUTPUT Statement:
  • PRINT Statement:
  • LET Statement:
  • GO TO Statement:
  • IF THEN Statement:

Which commands are commonly used in programming languages?

Almost every programming language has the following statements in common: IF, THEN, ELSE, FOR, and WHILE. These commands are used to make decisions within a program and perform actions.

What is a simple BASIC program?

This short program allows the simulation of essential patterns in development: the generation of gradients, of periodic structures, of polar patterns that oscillate and of initiation of leaves in a helical arrangement (phyllotaxis).

How do you write a BASIC code?

11 Tips to Write Better Code

  1. 1) Decide on the indentation and keep it that way.
  2. 2) Make comments.
  3. 3) Consistent name scheme.
  4. 4) Don’t repeat code.
  5. 5) Avoid writing long code lines.
  6. 6) Break down a big task into smaller chunks.
  7. 7) Organize your program into smaller files.
  8. 8) Write clever code that is also readable.

Where can I write BASIC code?

To write code on your personal computer, you will need a text editing program. At their most basic level, most programming languages are plain text, which means they can be written using almost any simple text editor. Common options include Notepad++, TextWrangler and JEdit.

How can a beginner start programming?

14 Step Roadmap for Beginner Developers

  1. Familiarize Yourself with Computer Architecture and Data Basics.
  2. Learn How Programming Languages Work.
  3. Understand How the Internet Works.
  4. Practice Some Command-Line Basics.
  5. Build Up Your Text Editor Skills with Vim.
  6. Take-up Some HTML.
  7. Tackle Some CSS.
  8. Start Programming with JavaScript.