What is gaff in Cockney rhyming slang?

What is gaff in Cockney rhyming slang?

Noun. gaff (plural gaffs) (Ireland; Britain, especially Manchester, Cockney and Glaswegian; slang) A place of residence. quotations ▼ We’re going round to Mike’s gaff later to watch the footie.

What is a Toby Cockney?

“”Toby” means “road” in this context, but it isn’t rhyming slang. It seems to come from about 1811. It is derived from the language of Irish travellers who use the word “tober” to mean road. Another related expression is the toby meaning highway robbery. High toby meaning highway robbery on horseback.

What is growler slang for?

a woman, esp one who is considered physically unattractive.

Why is it called a gaff?

This is from the Provençal word gaf for a boat-hook. In French this took on the figurative sense of a blunder, perhaps because the emotional effect is like being gaffed, and it’s the origin of the standard English gaffe for an embarrassing remark or blunder.

Why is gaff slang for house?

In Ireland, the word ‘gaff’ means ‘house’. The term ‘free gaff’ is often used by teenagers to describe the situation when their parents go away for a night, usually meaning there will be a party. Using ‘gaff’ to mean house is apparently also common in Scotland, parts of England and Wales.

What is drum in Cockney?

Drum and Bass is Cockney slang for Place. The word drum was originally used to describe a room or prison cell or even a road. It then became confined to only mean the home. Finally this was rhymed with Drum and Bass giving its modern interpretation.

What is a Growlery in England?

growlery in British English (ˈɡraʊlərɪ ) nounWord forms: plural -ries. archaic. a place to retreat to, alone, when ill-humoured.

What is a growler in Yorkshire?

In Yorkshire slang a pork pie is sometimes called a “growler”, a term probably derived from the “NAAFI growler” of earlier naval and army slang. An annual pork pie competition is held in April at The Old Bridge Inn, Ripponden, Yorkshire.

What is a wool Liverpool?

What is a ‘Wool’? Deriving from woolyback, a wool is defined as someone who lives outside, but near to Liverpool. This derogative term is used to describe those who pretend to be from Liverpool but are not really according to one of the points outlined above.

What does get bizzy mean?

British slang, mainly Liverpool. a police officer. Word origin. C20: from busy.

Why are glasses called bins in Cockney?

On the subject of ‘bins’ this expression is the cockney rhyming slang for glasses, as in reading glasses, so if someone is having trouble looking up a number in a telephone book you might say put on your ‘bins’.

What is a gaff for drag queens?

What is a gaff? A gaff, the way I did it, is you cut the elastic band off a pair of underwear, and then cut the top off of a tube sock and put the elastic through the tube sock so that there are two holes.

Why Cockneys call a watch a kettle?

The term means watch, which stemmed from a ‘fob’ watch which was a pocket watch attached to the body with a small chain. The kettle used to boil on the hob of a stove… hence the rhyme.

What is kettle in Cockney?

Kettle and Hob is Cockney slang for Watch. Kettle and Hob means Fob (Watch) Perhaps the most confusing of all rhyming slang expression, because the derivation of Kettle from the word “watch” is unclear – until you know a little bit about the history of watches that is.