What is the calorific value of coke oven gas?

What is the calorific value of coke oven gas?

With a calorific value of 5kWh/Nm3, coke gas constitutes a high-value fuel for effective power generation with Jenbacher gas engines.

What is the calorific value of coke?

We see that the calorific value of the petroleum coke falls smoothly in the range from 227 to 1177°C.

What is coke gas used for?

The most common use of coke is as a fuel for stoves, furnaces and blacksmithing. It is sometimes preferred over coal because burning coke produces very little smoke. It is also used to produce iron in a blast furnace. Coke is used to manufacture steel and many other materials.

What is high calorific value?

The higher heating value (also known gross calorific value or gross energy) of a fuel is defined as the amount of heat released by a specified quantity (initially at 25°C) once it is combusted and the products have returned to a temperature of 25°C, which takes into account the latent heat of vaporization of water in …

How is gas calorific value calculated?

The formula is, cal. value = 343.3 x fixed carbon % + α x % volatile matter kJ/kg. Goutel formula is unreliable for fuels having high percentage in oxygen.

What’s the definition of coking?

Definition of ‘coking’ Coking is a thermal process for the continuous conversion of heavy low-grade oils into lighter products. Coking is the process of changing residual oil to low molecular weight gases, naphtha, and gas oils.

What is the calorific value of blast furnace gas?

The calorific value of the BF gas varies but is usually low (between 650 kcal/N cum to 900 kcal/N cum and depends on the CO concentration). Therefore, BF gas is often enriched by coke oven gas or natural gas prior to use.

Which fuel has the highest calorific value of 10000 kcal kg?

Fuel Calorific Values

Natural gas 12500 kcal/kg
Disel 10000 kcal/kg
Fuel oil 9520 kcal/kg
Brown coal 3500 kcal/kg
Woods 2500 kcal/kg

What is calorific value of LPG?

b “The calorific value of LPG is 55000 kJ/kg”.

What is a Coke burner?

TITLE(s): COKE BURNER (steel & rel.) Controls beehive coke ovens in which coal is carbonized to produce coke of specified quality: Turns valves to maintain specified temperature in oven and control rate of formation of coke. Measures temperature of melting coal in each oven with optical pyrometer.

Why is it called coking?

The industrial production of coke from coal is called coking. The coal is baked in an airless kiln, a “coke furnace” or “coking oven”, at temperatures as high as 2,000 °C (3,600 °F) but usually around 1,000–1,100 °C (1,800–2,000 °F).

What is calorific value of BF gas?

650 to 900 kcal/N cum
Characteristics of BF gas BF gas a lean fuel gas with a calorific value (CV) in the range of 650 to 900 kcal/N cum.

How much energy does CO gas carry in a coke oven?

CO gas carries around 18 % of input energy in a coke oven and by-product battery (Fig 2). Analytical data indicate that volatile HAP (Hazardous Air Pollutants) collectively comprises much less than 1 % by volume of CO gas after conventional treatment of raw CO gas in a by-product plant.

What is the chemical composition of coke oven gas?

The gas contains toxic chemicals as given in Tab 3. Clean coke oven gas is a colourless gas with an odor characteristics of hydrogen sulphide and hydrocarbons. It has a lower explosive limit of 4.4 % and upper explosive limit of 34 %.

What is energy content or calorific value?

Higher and lower calorific values (heating values) for fuels like coke, oil, wood, hydrogen and others. Energy content or calorific value is the same as the heat of combustion, and can be calculated from thermodynamical values, or measured in a suitable apparatus:

What is the flame temperature of clean coke oven gas?

The clean coke oven gas contains toxic chemicals as given in Tab 4. CO gas has a calorific value ranging between 4000 to 4600 Kcal/N Cum. It has a theoretical flame temperature of 1982 deg C. It has a rate of flame propagation which allows its actual flame temperature to be close to its theoretical flame temperature.