Common questions

Why is Google not letting me create an account?


Why is Google not letting me create an account?

The most likely, however, is that the servers which handle Google Accounts are currently down. Whatever the reason you can’t create a Google Account, the fix is simply that you need to wait and try again later. It should, hopefully, work again a couple of hours after your initial attempt.

Why can’t I sign into my Gmail account?

Open the Google Account recovery page in a browser. Enter the Gmail email address for the account that doesn’t sign in. Alternatively, users can click on Forgot email if they can’t remember that. Users can reset their Google Account passwords by clicking on the Forgot password.

How do I fix my Google Account?

  1. Follow the steps to recover your Google Account or Gmail. You’ll be asked some questions to confirm it’s your account. Answer as best you can.
  2. Reset your password when prompted. Choose a strong password that you haven’t already used with this account. Learn how to create a strong password.

Why can’t I create a Google Account without a phone number?

You don’t need a mobile phone, you can use a friend’s phone, or use a landline. Just be sure to remove that number from the account settings, once you have established the account.

How do you log into a Google account?

Logging in to Google is an easy process. If you have a Google account, you can log in with that. Steps. Go to Google. Go to or search for Google in your browser’s search box. Click on Sign in. The blue Sign in button is on the upper-right corner. Enter your email address and click on Next.

How do I open my Google account?

Open a Google or Gmail account. To open a Google account, go to Google’s home page, which is listed in the Sources section of this article, and click on “Sign in” located in the upper right corner. Click on the link for “Create an account now” on the right and enter your preferred account information.

Can not sign into my account?

Go to Microsoft account and select Sign in.

  • then select Next.
  • Type your password and select the Keep me signed in box if you want to go straight into your account next time (not recommended for shared computers).
  • Select Sign in.
  • How do I sign my Google account?

    If you have a Google Account but have not yet signed in with your phone, follow these instructions to sign in to your Google Account. Tap > > Settings. Tap > Google. Enter your email address and tap Next. Enter your password and tap Next. You are signed in to your Google Account, and your phone will synchronize the selected items.