Is cancer common in Nigeria?

Is cancer common in Nigeria?

Nigeria is currently estimated to have 233,911 cancer cases, with 124,815 new cases and 78,899 cancer deaths, yearly. She said without bold action, an estimated 28.4 million new global cancer cases would occur in 2040, a 47 percent rise from 2020.

How many cases of cancer are in Nigeria?

In Nigeria, an estimated 72,000 cancer deaths occur annually, and 102,000 new cases are diagnosed from its population of 200 million people.

What causes cancer in Nigeria?

A study published in 2009 showed that the main reason for increasing cancer cases is pollution and copying of Western culture by Nigerians. Cancer has become so common in Nigeria and more and more people are being diagnosed with the condition and even more are dying.

What is epidemiology of cancer in Nigeria?

Results. The age standardized incidence rate for all invasive cancers from the IBCR was 66.4 per 100 000 men and 130.6 per 100,000 women. In ABCR it was 58.3 per 100 000 for men and 138.6 per 100 000 for women. A total of 3 393 cancer cases were reported by the IBCR.

What is the most common type of cancer in Nigeria?

The most common cancers are breast (36.5%), colorectal (11.7%), prostate (8.1%) cervical (7.2), soft tissue (6%), non-melanoma skin (5.2%), ovarian (4%),metastatic (4%), gastric (2.6%), thyroid (1.8%), and salivary gland (1.4%) cancers.

How common is breast cancer in Nigeria?

There has been an increase in the incidence of breast cancer worldwide and it is presently the most common female malignancy in Nigeria. In our study, 12.5% of patients seen had breast cancer. Breast cancer affects younger population of women with a mean age of 48 years.

What are the most common cancers in Nigeria?

Is breast cancer common in Nigeria?

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide, in Nigeria, with population of about 187 million people and it represents about 12% of all new cancer cases and 25% of all cancers in women.

Which country has the highest incidence of cancer?

China. While the United States has the highest cancer rate, China has the highest cancer mortality rate. In China, the top five leading causes of cancer-related deaths are lung, liver, stomach, breast, and colon cancer.

What is the meaning of Globocan?

What is GLOBOCAN? GLOBOCAN 2020 is an online database providing global cancer statistics and estimates of incidence and mortality in 185 countries for 36 types of cancer, and for all cancer sites combined.

What is the survival rate of breast cancer in Nigeria?

A study in Nigeria by Popoola et al [12] found that the overall 5-year survival in a population of breast cancer patients studied in Lagos was 25.6%. The role of socio-demographic and clinical factors on survival of breast cancer patients has been explored by several authors worldwide with inconsistent findings.

What country has the lowest rates of cancer?

Highest versus lowest: Singapore (lowest in the top 50): 233 per 100,000 people. Niger (actual lowest) 78 per 100,000 people.