Common questions

How high does a beam antenna need to be?


How high does a beam antenna need to be?

A beam type of antenna at a height of 70 feet or more will provide greatly superior performance over the same antenna at 35 feet, all other factors being equal. A height of 120 feet or even higher will provide even more advantages for long-distance communications.

What is a 1 1 balun?

Key uses for the 1:1 current-balun: a) is to marginalize the “inverted-L current” in the transmission-line feeding a dipole-antenna. This will prevent a radiating Feedline and prevent distorting the antenna’s radiation pattern. There will be some flux in the core but it’ll be minor due to the small current causing it.

How long is a 60 meter dipole antenna?

approximately 26.6 meters
Total length approximately 26.6 meters.

How to build a 6 meter fun antenna?

Here you will find 2 simple antenna projects for 6 meter fun designed for easy and inexpensive construction. The first project is a 3 element 6 meter beam. The second project below is the 6 meter Halo antenna. Spacing between elements is 34 and 1/2 inches.

How big is a 6 meter beam beam?

The first project is a 3 element 6 meter beam. The second project below is the 6 meter Halo antenna. Spacing between elements is 34 and 1/2 inches. The elements are 1/2 inch aluminum tubing of 1/16-inch wall thickness. (you can cut up an old TV antenna, they work great ). The Boom length is 72 inches ( 6 feet ).

How to build a 6 meter Moxon antenna?

The first step in building my Six Meter Moxon was to calculate the dimensions. There are a variety of applications and online calculators that will make easy work of breaking down the formula into the dimensions necessary for your antenna.

How big is a 6 meter parasitic beam antenna?

6 Meter Band MOXON-STYLE TWO-ELEMENT PARASITIC BEAM ANTENNA By K8JHR OBJECTIVE: Design and build a 6 meter 2-element Moxon antenna mostly from available aluminum tubing and angle stock. THE MOXON ADVANTAGE: A Moxon beam can be expected to provide approximately 5.5 dBi forward gain; the advantage being moderate forward gain, with reduced rear gain,