Common questions

How long does it take to recover from revision rhinoplasty?


How long does it take to recover from revision rhinoplasty?

What happens after a revision rhinoplasty? The recovery period typically lasts one to two weeks, and a patient will need to stay home from work for seven to 10 days following surgery. A splint can be placed on a patient’s nose after the procedure, and this splint will be removed approximately one week later.

How long is swelling after rhinoplasty revision?

When to expect results The worst of the swelling should dissipate about ten days after revision surgery. Again, you might want to wait as long as a year before deciding if you are satisfied with your outcome.

How often is revision rhinoplasty needed?

With so many nose jobs performed each year there are bound to be a certain number that require revision. The national average for procedures that require revision rhinoplasty is approximately 15%, where ours is less than 5%. This means every year about 36,500 patients undergo corrective rhinoplasty.

Why does revision rhinoplasty take longer to heal?

More Time. In addition to increased complexity, revision rhinoplasty requires more time. The procedure itself can take much longer than the original procedure. The recovery time is also typically longer because tissues that have already been altered and formed scar tissue will need more time to heal again.

Is revision rhinoplasty more expensive?

Experience really counts in reconstructive or revision rhinoplasty. These costs are often 20-50% higher than in less metropolitan areas with surgeons fees ranging between $5,000 and $15,000. Often you may sense that there is no good reason why one fee would be more or less than another.

What is the revision rate for rhinoplasty?

Published revision rates range from 5% for tip rhinoplasty to 15.5% for large series of secondary rhinoplasties,1–6 whereas complication rates range from 5% to 18.6% and dissatisfaction rates from 5% to 16% in the literature.

How many times can I have rhinoplasty?

There is no set number for how many revision rhinoplasties one person can get. However, there is a finite amount that you can get effectively. Each additional nose job comes with additional complications.