
What category is Mylanta in pregnancy?


What category is Mylanta in pregnancy?

OTC Antacids, Simethicone, and H2-Receptor Selective Antihistamines in Pregnancy

Drug name FDA pregnancy risk classification Drug class
Simethicone (Mylanta Gas) C Antiflatulent
Cimetidine (Tagamet) B Antihistamine
Ranitidine (Zantac) B Antihistamine
Nizatidine (Axid) C Antihistamine

Is simethicone contraindicated in pregnancy?

Simethicone is generally considered safe during pregnancy because it does not cross the placenta. Simethicone is considered safe during lactation because it is not absorbed into the body and infants are often treated with simethicone.

Can you take Pepcid chewables while pregnant?

You have options for treating this uncomfortable condition. Lifestyle and diet modifications are your first line of defense, but if those don’t work, doctors often recommend an OTC product like Pepcid, which is safe to take during pregnancy.

Why is trapped wind so painful in pregnancy?

Progesterone relaxes the muscles in the body, including those of the intestines. As the intestines relax, the digestive system slows down significantly. Raised levels of estrogen can cause the body to preserve water and gas. This can cause discomfort and pain in the abdomen.

How do I get rid of gas in my stomach while pregnant?

7 ways to ease your gas

  1. Drink plenty of fluids. Water is your best bet.
  2. Get moving. Physical activity and exercise should be a part of your daily routine.
  3. Test out your diet.
  4. Fill up on fiber.
  5. Ask about fiber supplements.
  6. 6. …
  7. When in doubt, just breathe.

Is Mylanta antacid safe for pregnancy?

This medicine is generally considered safe during pregnancy if taken as directed. During pregnancy, you should discuss your medicine use with your doctor or pharmacist.

Which of the following medications for gastrointestinal problems is contraindicated in pregnancy?

The following medications should never be used during pregnancy due to the clear risk of teratogenicity or adverse events: bismuth, castor oil, sodium bicarbonate, methotrexate, ribavirin, doxycycline, tetracycline, and thalidomide.

Is it safe to take Pepcid every day while pregnant?

Cate Hildebrand, one of the five doctors at OBGYN Specialists of Tulsa. “It’s easily available over the counter or by prescription and is safe in pregnancy. It can be used once or twice daily to suppress stomach acid.”

What antacid can you take when pregnant?

During pregnancy, do not use antacids that have sodium bicarbonate (such as baking soda), because they can cause fluid buildup. Do not use antacids that have magnesium trisilicate, because they may not be safe for your baby. It is okay to use antacids that have calcium carbonate (such as Tums).