
What does PP do in Ruby?


What does PP do in Ruby?

Ruby allows pretty printing of objects using pp method. Before Ruby 2.5, we had to require PP explicitly before using it. Even the official documentation states that “All examples assume you have loaded the PP class with require ‘pp'”. In Ruby 2.5, we don’t need to require pp.

What does P return in Ruby?

Another difference: p returns the object you pass to it.

Why does Ruby use puts?

The puts (short for “put string”) and print commands are both used to display the results of evaluating Ruby code. The primary difference between them is that puts adds a newline after executing, and print does not.

What is PP method?

The PP Method is a collaborative effort between you and our team. We are a support system to lead you through a rewarding and exciting journey. Together, we will transform your body. Get in touch with us today to set up your free consultation.

What is return in Ruby?

Explicit return Ruby provides a keyword that allows the developer to explicitly stop the execution flow of a method and return a specific value. When this instruction is executed the execution flow is suddenly stopped and the ‘return call’ string is returned. So, the puts ‘after return call’ is never executed.

Does Ruby automatically return?

Using “return” is unnecessary if it is the last line to be executed in the method, since Ruby automatically returns the last evaluated expression. You don’t even need that final “mood”, nor do you need those assignments in the IF statement.

What is difference between CP and PP?

Differences Between Cp & Pp The biggest difference between Cp and Pp is how the Standard Deviation is determined. Pp we use sampling and have to calculate an estimated standard deviation of the sample. In Cp we are assuming a stable process and will likely have enough data to calculate a true standard deviation.