Common questions

What electrical work can I do with Part P?


What electrical work can I do with Part P?

Part P states that anyone carrying out electrical installation work in a home must make sure that the work is designed and installed to protect people from fire and electric shocks. Part P applies to any changes made to existing installations, including any parts that have been rewired.

Can I self-certify my own electrical work?

You can certify your own work. Having the qualifications he has, he is competent to fill out an electrical installation certificate for his installation.

Can you certify your own electrical work?

To certify your own work you will need to either join a Government Approved Part P Scheme Provider or work with your local building control.

Can I self-certify with Part P?

Electrical contractors, who register with a competent person self-certification scheme, will be able to self-certify compliance with Part P of the Building Regulations whenever they carry out ‘notifiable’ work.

What are the changes to the part P building regulations?

There are two main changes in the latest version of Part P of the Building Regulations. The first change relates to the range of electrical installation work which requires notification. The range has been reduced, previously work in kitchens and outdoors was notifiable.

How are electrical contractors affected by Part P?

Many of the typical jobs undertaken by electrical contractors are affected by Part P. Under Part P you should ensure that such works are notified to and inspected by building control bodies. Work needs to be inspected by the local authority Building Control department in order to ensure it complies with the Building Regulations.

What are the requirements of the part P?

The Part P requirement is that: “Reasonable provision shall be made in the design and installation of electrical installations in order to protect persons operating, maintaining or altering the installations from fire or injury.” In short, electrical installations must be safe!

Can a registered electrician do part P work?

The registered electrician will ensure that the work done is compliant with Part P of the building regulations before they sign off the work. Simplicity is key for the customer, so you have no interaction or hassle with the council; instead you are solely dealing with the electrician.