Common questions

What is a dental sealant made of?


What is a dental sealant made of?

Sealants are made of a medical grade resin, and are similar to composite, or white filling material for when patients have cavities filled.

What material is used for sealants?

Composite resin sealants are applied with a dental curing light. These sealants consist of a plastic compound and ceramic, which blends in with the color of your natural teeth. Pros — Composite resin materials are strong and protect against dental caries (cavities) for a long time.

Are tooth sealants toxic?

Sealants do contain a trace amount of bisphenol acid (BPA). The benefits of sealants typically outweigh any potential risk from this chemical, since it’s a very small amount and usually lasts for only 3 hours after sealants are placed. Research from 2016 shows that it’s generally considered safe.

Are there different types of dental sealants?

The two most common types of dental sealants used in preventive dentistry are glass ionomers and composite resin fillings. Each material has differences that pediatric dentists have to consider before settling for one treatment or another.

Do adults need sealants on teeth?

Sealants are most often placed in children and teenagers, since tooth decay can start soon after teeth come in. But adults can sometimes benefit from sealants too, because you never outgrow the risk for developing cavities.

Are sealants worth it?

Once the sealant is applied, it protects the tooth from tooth decay. If the tooth isn’t protected, you run the risk of experience extensive damage to your teeth that could cost hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars to fix. Making the small investment in dental sealants now could save you a lot of money in the future.

Can adults get dental sealants?

Sealants are most often placed in children and teenagers, since tooth decay can start soon after teeth come in. But adults can sometimes benefit from sealants too, because you never outgrow the risk for developing cavities. A sealant can be placed on a tooth that does not have a cavity in its pits and grooves.

Should I put sealants on my child teeth?

If you’ve been wondering whether you should get dental sealants for your child, the answer is emphatically – yes! Sealants are a fast and efficient method of protecting your child’s teeth. The applied sealant acts as a barrier to prevent cavities from forming on vulnerable areas of the tooth.

Does it hurt to get dental sealants?

Getting a sealant is easy and does not hurt. The tooth is cleaned and a gel may be placed on the chewing surface for a few seconds. The tooth is then rinsed and dried.

Why do dentists not use adult sealants?

Even under ideal circumstances, sealants aren’t perfect. They sometimes chip or fall out and have to be replaced. The plastic can leak into the tooth and cause cavity-promoting bacteria to form. What’s more, sealants protect only the surfaces of teeth, not between teeth, where most cavities occur.

Are dental sealants worth it for kids?

Was this helpful? Dental sealants prevent cavities. In fact, children with sealants on their teeth have half the cavities that other kids do. It also costs about three times as much to fill a cavity as it does to get a dental sealant put on a tooth.