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What is the word for leap?


What is the word for leap?

upswing, upsurge, surge, rocket, skip, rise, ascend, bound, bounce, hop, vault, soar, caper, frisk, escalation, spring, advance, cavort, escalate, mount.

What means leap up?

To hop, jump, or stand up very quickly or suddenly. The child was leaping up trying to get her kite down from the tree. He leapt up from his chair in alarm when he heard the back door open. The cat leaped up and snatched the bird out of the air.

What is leaps and bounds?

Rapidly, or in fast progress, as in The corn is growing by leaps and bounds, or School enrollment is increasing by leaps and bounds. This term is a redundancy, since leap and bound both mean “spring” or “jump,” but the two words have been paired since Shakespeare’s time and are still so used.

What is leap in dance?

A leap is a jeté, which is a jump from one foot to the other in which the working leg is brushed into the air and appears to have been thrown (there is a wide variety of jetés—like grand and petit—and they can be performed in all directions).

What is a leap baby?

A leap is a growth-spurt that your baby goes through that includes sudden changes in the body (think head circumference.) Leaps are also sudden changes in mental development for your baby. They are determined based on your baby’s due-date, not their actual birth-date. This is also referred to as their “adjusted age”.

What is Leap energy?

LEAP is an energy and money saving service that is helping people keep warm during the colder months and reduce their energy bills without costing them any money. You can apply using the form below either for yourself or on behalf of somebody else.

What is LEAP program?

Español. The Limited Examination and Appointment Program (LEAP) is a recruitment and hiring program for individuals with disabilities. Instead of taking the traditional state civil service exam, you can show your knowledge and skills for a position through on-the-job testing.

Will grow leaps and bounds?

To rapidly grow or expand. Our small company has grown by leaps and bounds over the past year, thanks in no small part to our aggressive new marketing campaign.