
Whats does faction mean?


Whats does faction mean?

Definition of faction 1 : a party or group (as within a government) that is often contentious or self-seeking : clique The committee soon split into factions. 2 : party spirit especially when marked by dissension faction, or the irreconcilable conflict of parties— Ernest Barker. -faction. noun combining form.

What does old faction mean?

1. adjective. Something such as a style, method, or device that is old-fashioned is no longer used, done, or admired by most people, because it has been replaced by something that is more modern. The house was dull, old-fashioned and in bad condition.

What is a faction in gaming?

Factions is a team based PvP type where you can raid bases and claim land that others cant destroy. In order to raid people you need to make tnt cannons to blow up their bases and take the loot.

What is the meaning of faction in literature?

A literary work or film that is a mix of fact and fiction. noun. 9. 1. Faction is defined as a state of internal conflict within an organization, or to a small sect of a group that has broken off from or separated itself from a larger one.

What is faction ridden?

Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a party or group (as within a government) that is often contentious or self-seeking : clique The committee soon split into factions. 2 : party spirit especially when marked by dissension faction, or the irreconcilable conflict of parties— Ernest Barker.Faction sentence examples.

What are old fashioned words?

20 old-fashioned words that should be brought back into modern language

  • Bunbury. noun. An imaginary person whose name is used as an excuse to some purpose, especially to visit a place.
  • Scurrilous. adjective.
  • Gallimaufry. noun.
  • Thrice. adverb.
  • Blithering. adjective.
  • Pluviophile. noun.
  • Librocubularist. noun.
  • Febricula. noun.

What is Minecraft faction?

each faction is a group of players who can claim land to make their bases and hoard stuff there, they can make alliances as well as enter in war with other factions, the bases are usually built well hidden and well protected, the plugin itself provides a layer of protection for the land claimed by the factions, but the …

What is faction in children’s literature?

Books in the faction genre are made up of stories based on a historical figure or events that are woven together with fictitious elements. This genre, more than any of the fiction historical genres, pushes the limits of what is a real historical event or personal and what is not.

What is the definition of faction in English?

English Language Learners Definition of faction. : a group within a larger group that has different ideas and opinions than the rest of the group. See the full definition for faction in the English Language Learners Dictionary. Keep scrolling for more.

What is the meaning of the word FAC · tion?

fac·​tion | ˈfak-shən . (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a party or group (as within a government) that is often contentious or self-seeking : clique The committee soon split into factions.

What does it mean when someone calls someone an OG?

An OG became someone who was deeply devoted to their subset gang, and younger members of the gangs began to use it in reference to the elders. The term became so popular that even the Crips’s rival gang, the Bloods, started using it. Embarrassed By Ratchet Slang?

What does og stand for in football category?

What does OG stand for? Rank Abbr. Meaning OG Offensive Guard (football) OG Outgoing OG Official Gazette (journal; US Patent and OG Old Glory