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Who said the quote Desperate times call for desperate measures?


Who said the quote Desperate times call for desperate measures?

The expression ‘desperate times call for desperate measures’ is believed to have originated with a saying coined by the ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates. In his work Amorphisms, he wrote: “For extreme diseases, extreme methods of cure, as to restriction, are most suitable.”

What does Desperate times call for desperate measures mean?

Proverb. desperate times call for desperate measures. In adverse circumstances, actions that might have been rejected under other circumstances may become the best choice.

Where did the phrase desperate times require desperate measures come from?

Etymology: This phrase likely originates with a saying of the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, which appears in his Aphorisms: “For extreme diseases, extreme methods of cure, as to restriction, are most suitable.”.

What are desperate measures?

1. desperate measure – desperate actions taken as a means to an end; “he had to resort to desperate measures” means, way, agency – how a result is obtained or an end is achieved; “a means of control”; “an example is the best agency of instruction”; “the true way to success”

Who said Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures?

John Wooden
I have a quote from John Wooden on my bulletin board at the Capitol: Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.

What are drastic measures?

Definition. The idiom drastic times call for drastic measures means that when you face extreme and undesirable situations, it is sometimes necessary to take extreme actions. Desperate times call for desperate measures is another variation of the idiom.

What is a desperate decision?

Apr 8, 2020·4 min read. No good decisions are made in desperation. As the definition states desperation is, “a state of despair, typically one which results in rash or extreme behaviour”

Who said Drastic times call for drastic measures?

philosopher Hippocrates
The Greek physician and philosopher Hippocrates said it first and said it best: “For extreme diseases, extreme methods of cure, as to restriction, are most suitable.” In other words, drastic times call for drastic measures.

Who said ‘desperate times call for drastic measures’?

The expression ‘desperate times call for desperate measures’ is believed to have originated with a saying coined by the ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates. In his work Amorphisms, he wrote: “For extreme diseases, extreme methods of cure, as to restriction, are most suitable.”.

What does desperate times require desperate measures mean?

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures. When you say ‘Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures’ you mean that actions that might seem extreme under normal circumstances are appropriate during adversity. Example of use: “I really don’t want to break up with Tim, but desperate times call for desperate measures.”.

What does desperate measure mean?

desperate measure (noun) desperate actions taken as a means to an end “he had to resort to desperate measures”

What does desperate measures mean?

desperate measures. Extreme and undesirable actions taken as a solution to a problem that cannot be resolved by ordinary means.